In January 2020, India experienced a record low-temperature season, catching many of its residence off guard. In the New Delhi area, for example, local governments were left with no option but to shut down schools to protect its young citizens' wellbeing. As reported by the New York Times, “India’s capital, New Delhi, experienced its coldest day in December in 119 years on Monday (December 30, 2019), with the maximum temperature dipping below 49 degrees Fahrenheit (9.4 Celsius), about 20 degrees below the average for December.”

Extreme cold weather conditions profoundly impact communities with significant low income. These communities do not have the financial means to acquire the necessary supplies to protect themselves against unprecedented world climate changes.

In January 2020, Hands 4 Zero Poverty (H4ZP) had the privilege to partner with two significant contributors to our mission, Rani and her aunt Sarda Naidu. Together we organized a winter cloth distribution to help communities cope with the unexpected climate change. Rani and Sarda Naidu not-only assisted with the development and funding of the project; they traveled from the United States to India to work with the team on the ground.

We sincerely enjoy and value working side-by-side with our supporters. It gives us the energy to continue our mission. Working with the team on the ground, more importantly, interacting with the communities we support is a lifetime experience, an experience we hope you will consider. We would like to have more Rani’s and Sarda’s join us in our support to the communities that need it the most. We guarantee it will be a positive impact. The initiation of Hands 4 Zero Poverty was based on such experiences.

If you would like to support "and" or "or" join us on the ground helping communities in need, contact us out at


Visit us at H4ZP Google Photos if you would like to see additional photos of the event