Dental care to care to children who have never seen a dentist before.

With our donors' support, Hands 4 Zero Poverty (H4Zp) had the privilege of selecting 40 students from a school in Faridabad's slums to provide them free dental care. The chosen children were those showing significant signs of tooth decay. None of the children selected had ever been to the dentist before. Most families in the slums do not seek dental care until it is too late; this is due to dental care costs. According to Delta Dental, poor oral health can lead to problems such as oral and facial pain, problems with the heart and other major organs, and digestion problems.

Due to their existing condition, five of the children chosen were close to permanently losing one or more teeth. Moreover, two children had already acquired an infection due to a lack of hygiene and proper medical attention.

Thanks to our donors, all seven children return for further treatment; the cost was all covered. All children recovered from their illnesses and are doing well.

The cost of transporting and providing dental care to 40 children was $1,080; $27 per child. If you are interested in supporting a dental care project, please contact us at It would be an honor to assist you with the planning and execution of the dental care camp. We believe health is one of the key elements for fighting poverty. 



Hands 4 Zero Poverty Dental Care Campaign

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